Turn unused walls into revenue generating marketing experiences for your customer base. HoverTouch™ Walls are virtually unbreakable compared with other interactive devices.
Pure Computer Vision gives the ability to take existing products and make them "smart" giving the customers the ability to explore just by touch. Plus measure Browsing vs. buying.
Turn almost any surface into an interface. No need for goggles, headsets, tablets or phones. Spacee's HoverTouch™ is deviceless augmented reality.
Add additional fun, magical and interactive experiences to every inch of space in your environment.
Take your content and gamify your environment. Control guide and activate the customer with content you have already developed. Add Spacee's HoverTouch™ technology to games that already exist for a one of a kinds, world class experience.
Want to bring the WOW to your environment. Now you can by making your content interactive on any nearly any surface.